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ATTENTION WOMEN OVER 50: Once you see how EASY this makes losing weight, you’ll wonder why you've never seen it before…


How To Quickly and Easily BURN FAT, Boost Metabolism and Bust Cravings - Without Dieting, Calorie Restriction or "Counting Carbs"

Leading Weight Loss Expert For Women Over 50 Reveals This Little Known, Proven Formula To Melt Fat… Even If Every "Diet" You've Tried In the Past Has Failed to Work

Saturday, September 14, 2024
From: Anna Rakoczy
Re: The “Reset Response” Revolution. How you can quickly and easily trigger sustained, permanent fat loss.
Dear Lovely Lady,
Women… especially women over 50… have been LIED TO about diets!
Did you know that most diest actually train your body to gain fat… and to hold on to it?
Have you ever wondered why most diets only work in the short term… with the fat piling back on within weeks of stopping?
Are you stuck because you've tried every diet under the sun and nothing has worked for you?

I Totally Understand

It’s not your fault! You’ve probably heard a million opinions and got some free advice (usually worth about what you pay for it) and you're more confused than ever…
That’s OK. This is what I do, so help is on the way.

The Best System For Easily Losing Fat In The World

You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on fat loss for women over 50…
you could spend HUNDREDS OF HOURS interviewing medical experts, nutritionists, dieticians…
and you could actually go out in the field and partner with Stanford Hospitals and 7 other medical clinics and DO this stuff…
like I have.
You can pick up this "High Protein Recipe Bundle" that condenses down everything I’ve learnt about using all natural PROTEIN perfectly balanced with the other essential macro and micro nutrients…
to cook easy, delicious meals you and hubby will love for all your meals, snacks and desserts…
to start activating your Reset Response and losing weight…
WITHOUT dieting, cutting carbs, or counting points!
No complicated eating plan or rules to follow. Just the tastiest recipes you’d never guess were “diet food” (coz they’re not!) that will help you start burning fat, balancing your hunger hormones and busting your cravings!

Here’s what you get inside…

I Can’t Take Credit For The System

I stumbled upon this little known but incredibly effective system for losing weight while on my own journey to losing 30 pounds. Along the way I consulted EVERYBODY that I knew who easily maintained a slender body…
I partnered with and consulted world renown doctors, nutritionists and dieticians…
I read everything available on the subject of losing weight…
I even examined population studies to look at health trends across time and countries…
and then added my own personal experiences to develop this system.
Since then, over 20,000 women over the age of 50 have used the system to lose up to 140 pounds… and keep it off over the long term!
Don’t let the simplicity of this recipe pack fool you. Over 10,000 hours of research went into developing the system behind it. You get the cheat sheet:)
It is truly the best of the best there is when it comes to losing weight, keeping it off and getting healthy!
The high protein recipes are simple, tasty and EASY to make, so you can start enjoying the benefits right away (You get instant access to everything… so you could be cooking your first recipe at your next meal!)

There's No Need to "Figure It Out" On Your Own

Over 20,000 women have already tested… and PROVEN… the Reset Response system. And this High Protein Recipe Bundle allows you to try for yourself what the Reset Response is all about.
Can you imagine how much faster… and EASIER… it is to start hitting your healthy eating goals when you follow a proven system that thousands of women before you have PROVEN TO WORK…
Instead of making a thousand costly mistakes on your own before you finally find success in losing weight?
Imagine the FREEDOM you will experience when you reach your weight loss goals:

The High Protein Recipe Bundle Can Help You:

Here is Real Proof From Real Ladies
Who’ve Used Our Reset Response System:

Belle lost 140 pounds

What has become of my outrageous coma-level 350+ morning spikes? My blood sugar reading was 104 this morning! Day after day I am getting my life and myself back with Homemade Method. I could see it the first other people are starting to see it.

Beverly lost 49 pounds and reversed high blood pressure

THIS is not a diet! THIS is a lifestyle that hasn't gotten old in 15 months! Plus I've lost 40#, come off of 6 Rx meds, lowered my BP and put daily Fibromyalgia pain in the past! Homemade Method WORKS! #Homemadeforlife

Margetta lost 53 lbs and needed to buy smaller pants!

“Before starting Homemade, I was pre-diabetic, I weighed 276 pounds and my blood pressure was 126/84. Today I weigh 223 pounds, having lost 53 lbs. Daily blood sugar readings average 93. All my leggings, jeans and dress pants are too loose. T-shirts and tops fit comfortably. I no longer snore when sleeping. Yay!“

Why It’s Just $17

I'm only charging $17 for this Recipe Pack, and not giving it away, for 3 reasons.
  1. $17 puts the bundle within reach of the vast majority of women over 50. It's not too expensive for anyone who needs to lose weight and start getting their health back on track fast.
  2. Anyone who's not serious enough about their health to invest $7 into this recipe bundle isn't going to take the time to use the methods or recipes included inside anyway.
  3. Anyone who is serious enough to put down the price of a simple meal out and buy this bundle has the opportunity to kickstart the most easy and joyful weight loss of their life!
If you're thinking, "$17 is so cheap! What's the catch?", then you really need this Recipe Bundle!
If you're serious about losing weight and trimming down your waistline… once and for all… and if you would like to start RIGHT NOW….
Simply click the "Add to Cart" button below.
(If you need to justify the expense, skip one meal out this week and it's paid for.)
The Recipe Pack itself contains everything you need to see rapid weight loss. Still… I wanted to do everything I possibly could to practically guarantee you'll burn fat… even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming to get there! 😉
That's why, in addition to your powerful recipe bundle…

You Also Get Over $48 In Bonuses

That's over $48 in bonuses. And you get them absolutely free when you pick up your High Protein Recipe Bundle today.
My “Double” You’ll Love It Guarantee
Guarantee #1 If for any reason you think this High Protein Recipe Bundle isn’t the best $17 you’ve ever spent, just send me an email and I’ll gladly refund your whole $17 big cash dollars.
Guarantee #2 If you actually DO what I recommend you do and cook the recipes in the meal plans and you’re not happy with your results… I’ll pay for one of our Registered Dieticians to give you CUSTOMIZED advice to help you get the results you want. (All I ask is that you give me an honest effort.)
How is that for fair?
Time Is Very Much "Of the Essence"
I can't stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough.
Once the timer above reaches ZERO, this offer goes away.
Click on the "Add to Cart" button below to get it now.
Once you do, you'll get instant access to High Protein Recipe Bundle™ AND all 25 High Protein Recipes Risk-Free for just $17...
WARNING: You Will Make Mistakes On Your Own
Get help before you try to lose weight by following the overwhelming amount of bad information that's out there these days.
I know this from personal experience back in my dieting days.
When this full bundle is only $17 Bucks, you’ll kick yourself if you don’t grab it while it’s available.
Otherwise you're sure to make GIANT mistakes in areas you haven’t even thought of yet - just like I did for decades when I was dieting. (Especially if every other diet you've tried has failed.)
This TINY $17 High Protein Recipe Bundle is the only thing standing between you and a great big ‘aha’ moment about EXACTLY what you need to do to start losing the weight you desire.
I can't wait to help you discover how losing weight can be easier and tastier than you ever thought possible!
Click on the "Add to Cart" button below to begin now.
P.S. Remember… There is more real valuable information in this TINY reciple bundle than you’ll get by reading a dozen books or watching hundreds of hours of free (but confusing and outdated) dieting videos on Youtube.
The system and recipes inside this bundle have worked for thousands of other women over the age of 50. Women just like you!
Plus, it’s 100% guaranteed so you can’t possibly lose money. It’s a no brainer!
I wasn't planning on putting any more testimonials about the Homemade Method up, since this bundle is so inexpensive and sells itself so well.
But these two were just too great to not post here:

Cindy lost 33 pounds and reversed her diabetes - in 2 months!

OMG! OMG! OMG! I was newly diagnosed with Type 2 DM in Feb. I was in a panic, when I found and started on this program! My A1C was 7.4 and I weighed 227 lbs. I now weigh 194 and my A1C... Wait for it was 5.4! (That is normal range). I went from a sense of urgency and panic to a feeling of confidence and control! I've got this! Thanks so much to the program and the support! Celebrating this special day.

Patricia lost 25 pounds and got her energy back

I am happy to say I’ve lost 25 pounds. This program has changed mine and my husband's lives forever. Blessed to have found this program and will be forever grateful that I did it.

Secure Checkout


Exclusive 5-Point Satisfaction Guarantee

Try the program for 30 days and “Prove It To Yourself”. If you don’t get the promised results, we’ll pay for your program, every penny!

What's Included:

Your 4 Boosters:

Plus These Valuable FREE Bonuses:

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